And everyone is welcome to attend any of our WCA meetings.
Community Resilience for Our Future
6:00 PM
FREE, 2 hours, Social & Snacks at 5:45
Extreme weather, gross economic disparities, traumatic political and social upheaval, loss of jobs and housing—these conditions are making the systems we rely on brittle and unreliable. Neighborhood networks are critical. Let's create our own safety network, starting with ourselves at home, expanding to our block, our neighborhood, our town, our island.
St. Hubert's Church, 804 3rd St, Langley
Growing Series
1:00 PM
Sliding fee, 3 hours
In the classroom and in the garden, you will engage with the complexity of GROWING. Develop a practice of paying attention, assessing, and adapting your actions. Sessions will be inside and out, and will involve physical activity. Monthly content will be driven by the needs of the garden. Every fourth Friday.
Organic Farm School, 6390 Maxwelton Road, Clinton

Zero Organic Waste
5:30 PM
FREE, 1 1/2 hours
Coordination between groups and individuals working to remove organics from the garbage stream and compost locally. Come, help green Whidbey with the food and yard waste from our trash!
Bayview Cash Store, 2843 Howard Rd, Langley
Out in the Kitchen Garden
10:00 AM
FREE, registration, 3 hours, every Tue
Put your hands in the soil, put some seeds in the ground, surround yourself with the sounds of nature and laughter of friends. And, learn how to grow great food! Want to learn how to re-invigorate a plot so that it grows great food? Come join us. Each week, we'll learn how to do something by doing it, we'll laugh, we'll unplug, and we'll remember how simultaneously vulnerable and resilient the land is (we are too, by the way).
Organic Farm School, 6390 Maxwelton Road, Clinton
Get Growing Part 1
4:00 PM
FREE (donation), 2 hours
Three-part series on growing the best vegetable crops for Whidbey taught by Anza Muenchow, 30 years experience. Improve your health, get sustainable, lower CO2, save money, have fun! Part 1: Getting Started: soil preparation, early crops.
Freeland Library, 5495 S. Harbor Avenue, Freeland
Whidbey Gardening Workshop
7:45 AM
Sliding fee, 9 hours
Join Master Gardeners for the annual Whidbey Gardening Workshop, featuring a full day of in-person gardening classes, hands-on learning, demonstrations, and garden focused Marketplace. Choose from over 40 classes.
Oak Harbor High School, 950 Northwest 2nd Ave, Oak Harbor
Whole Systems Kitchen
4:00 PM
Fee, 2 hours
Sessions will cover meats, eggs, vegetables, herbs, and more: growing, harvesting, processing, storing/preserving. We will learn their nutritional profile, how to prepare them for maximum health benefits and flavor, and how climate change might affect them.
Organic Farm School, 6390 Maxwelton Road, Clinton
Get Growing Part 2
4:00 PM
FREE (donation), 2 hours
Three-part series on growing the best vegetable crops for Whidbey taught by Anza Muenchow, 30 years experience. Improve your health, get sustainable, lower CO2, save money, have fun! Part 2: Crop planning, transplanting, raised beds, pests.
Freeland Library, 5495 S. Harbor Avenue, Freeland
Kicking Gas Info Session
10:00 AM
FREE, registration required, 1 hour.
In addition to sharing resources about ductless heat pumps, we will be providing subsidies for hot water and electric cooking which will further help decarbonize our region and strengthen our community in the face of the energy and climate challenges today and in the future.
Zoom link with registration
Get Growing Part 3
4:00 PM
FREE (donation), 2 hours
Three-part series on growing the best vegetable crops for Whidbey taught by Anza Muenchow, 30 years experience. Improve your health, get sustainable, lower CO2, save money, have fun! Part 3: Plant families, best varieties, maximizing harvests.
Freeland Library, 5495 S. Harbor Avenue, Freeland
Preparedness Conference
9:00 AM
FREE, registration, 7 hours
Join South Whidbey Fire EMS and our partners in bringing our community together to inspire collaboration and create high functioning, resilient and disaster prepared neighborhoods on South Whidbey.
South Whidbey High School, 5675 Maxwelton Rd, Langley