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LEARN the Facts

The Fundamental Issue - Overshoot

Nate Hagens interview of William E. Rees

January 11, 2023

Systems ecologist William E. Rees. Professor Rees outlines why most of the challenges facing humanity and the biosphere have a common origin - ecological overshoot. "We are embedded in a culture that has a set of beliefs, values and assumptions; narratives that have been constructed in an era of abundance during which completely ridiculous and false assumptions didn't matter, and we have spread them around the world."

Limit of Natural Gas Usage in Commercial Buildings Ordinance

King County

March 1, 2022

Building codes to phase out natural gas in commercial buildings in unincorporated King County, and the King County Green Building Ordinance.

2021: a year of climate crisis in review

The Guardian

December 31, 2021

A look back at 12 months of key summits, devastating weather and alarming discoveries.

‘Turn the valve off’

North American Indigenous Environmental Network

December 29, 2021

The burning of fossil fuels as like filling a bathtub with far too much water. “It is overflowing with too much carbon. The world can’t absorb any more.”

I’m a climate scientist. Don’t Look Up captures the madness I see every day

The Guardian

December 29, 2021

The movie Don’t Look Up is satire. But speaking as a climate scientist doing everything I can to wake people up and avoid planetary destruction, it’s also the most accurate film about society’s terrifying non-response to climate breakdown I’ve seen.

Chile Writes Its Constitution, Confronting Climate Change Head On

NY Times

December 28, 2021

Chile has lots of lithium, which is essential to the world’s transition to green energy. But anger over powerful mining interests, a water crisis and inequality has driven Chile to rethink how it defines itself.

10 biggest climate disasters of 2021 cost $170 billion

Christian Aid

December 27, 2021

Ten of 2021's most extreme weather events in the world were driven by climate change and caused a total of $170.3 billion in damage — with the deadly Hurricane Ida that struck the U.S. the most costly, per a new study.

Exploring the TRUE cost of ditching fossil fuels

Just Have a Think

December 26, 2021

To achieve a 45% reduction in GHG's by 2035 will require a behavioral change not seen since the industrial revolution itself.

New York's ban on gas-powered heat


December 26, 2021

New York City Council passed a ban on gas-powered heat and stove appliances in newly constructed buildings. The move makes it the largest city in the country to pass such a ban, which will take effect in 2023 for buildings under seven stories, while taller buildings have until 2027 to make the switch.

Global Breakdown of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector

Visual Capitalist, Our World in Data

December 15, 2021

To uncover the major sectors where emissions originate, the graphic from Our World in Data pulls in data from 2016 courtesy of Climate Watch and the World Resources Institute, when total emissions reached 49.4 billion tonnes of CO₂ equivalents (CO₂e).

Wall Street's Carbon Bubble

Sierra Club, Center for American Progress

December 14, 2021

If we are going to avert the worst impacts of climate change and if we are to avoid another financial crisis potentially far more dire than that of 2008, it is critical that we address emissions from the industry that is both fueling the climate crisis and threatening economic stability: the US financial sector.

Climate Change Effects

NY Times

December 13, 2021

NYTimes series of photojournalism showing earth's climate changes that are happening right now.

Don't Look Up


December 10, 2021

Climate scientists are overwhelmingly impressed by the film’s accurate depiction of their struggle to communicate to the public and policymakers the urgency of the climate crisis.

25 Needed Climate Actions


December 8, 2021

Several dozen activists, experts, government officials, and business and labor leaders are asked what can be done to accelerate decarbonization in Washington, Oregon and British Columbia

Climate Crisis Policy Brief

Gov. Jay Inslee

December 1, 2021

Commitments and limits require additional policies, investments, and partnerships. In a 2022 policy and budget proposal, Inslee puts forward a $626.5 million investment in a climate strategy

Developing a Local Climate Action Strategy

MRSC, Thurston County, Thurston Climate Action Team

November 15, 2021

How Thurston County created a Climate Action initiative.

Ithaca votes to decarbonize its buildings by 2030


November 6, 2021

Ithaca is the first U.S. city to establish such a plan, which the city says will cut Ithaca's 400,000 tons per year of carbon dioxide emissions by 40%. The timeline to achieve its goal is much sooner than what other cities around the world have pledged to do.

We Can Beat Climate Change If We Do One Thing Fast


November 4, 2021

On climate, it turns out that the household is where individual and collective action come together. I’m hopeful that individual property owners will take the concern they’ve spent on recycling, eating less meat, and driving less to make a far more significant impact on our carbon emissions by simply replacing their gas appliances with electric ones.

Climate Report


October 1, 2021

Major new report concluding that the world cannot avoid some devastating impacts of climate change, but that there is still a narrow window to keep the devastation from getting even worse.

How Does a Price on Carbon Work?

Citizen's Climate Lobby

August 18, 2021

This video takes you through how putting a carbon tax on fossil fuel companies works its way through the economy to move us to clean energy, and how a carbon cashback, or dividend, makes it affordable for people and small businesses.

Climate and Environment Commission

San Juan County

July 20, 2021

Establishing the San Juan County Climate and Environment Commission to advance climate action, the protection of our environment, and the implementation of San Juan County Resolution 20-2020 by providing oversight and support to San Juan County’s department responsible for environmental stewardship and reduce and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

A few frequent flyers 'dominate air travel'


March 31, 2021

Research for the climate campaign group Possible says that, in the US, just 12% of people take two-thirds of flights. The government's advisory Climate Change Committee wants a levy on frequent fliers.

A Message From the Future of Paradise

Regenerating Paradise

February 3, 2021

In 2018, the historic Camp Fire destroyed the town Paradise and killed 85 people. In its wake, the community gathered to talk about their values and enact them in the rebuilding. Their vision ensured housing and employment for the survivors, and an economy and community that are resilient in disaster.

Thurston Climate Action

Thurston Regional Planning Council

December 1, 2020

Thurston County and the cities of Lacey, Olympia, and Tumwater are partnering to reduce climate polluting greenhouse gases while maintaining - and even improving - our quality of life.

Climate Change Will Force a New American Migration


September 15, 2020

Wildfires rage in the West. Hurricanes batter the East. Droughts and floods wreak damage throughout the nation. Life has become increasingly untenable in the hardest-hit areas, but if the people there move, where will everyone go?

A New Weapon Against Climate Change May Float

NY Times

June 4, 2020

The wind power industry sees an opportunity in allowing wind turbines to be pushed into deeper water.

Thurston Climate Adaptation Plan

Thurston Regional Planning Council

May 1, 2017

A concerted effort to help Thurston County and the broader South Puget Sound region prepare for and adjust to climate change.

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